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Detailed Marketing Calendar

Why is having a detailed marketing calendar important in your marketing campaign?

We understand how quickly time can fly by, especially when managing a company every day! Having a detailed marketing calendar is a good visual reminder of what needs to be getting done each month so that nothing gets overlooked. It will help you remember upcoming milestones and holidays that may require advanced preparation, as well as provide you with the option of having suggested actions for each of these milestones. Let M3 do the remembering for you!


M3's marketing calendar will be directly integrated with your Gmail calendar for easy viewing and convenient reminders. We take into consideration the suggestions provided by HQ on their monthly calendar and will incorporate these ideas into our calendar. 


Examples of Detailed Marketing Calendar options M3 provides:

  • Creating a calendar with upcoming local Community Events

  • Creating a calendar with upcoming Major Marketing Milestones (Parent-teacher conferences, report cards, etc)

  • Creating a calendar of upcoming email campaigns

  • Providing details on each calendar of suggested actions you can take at each event or milestone (i.e. games to play, giveaway options, links to what to buy, etc)



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