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Power Packages

What makes power packages an effective solution?


At M3 Marketing Services, our mission is to create integrated marketing solutions for you using digital marketing and school outreach tactics. By creating monthly service offerings that are connected to important key Mathnasium mileposts each month, we work to ensure your message is being communicated consistently across all channels for that month.

In order for this to work to maximum effectiveness, it is crucial to share the messaging across all your different digital channels. Based on current sales research, it takes 6-8 touches to generate a viable sales lead. That's just getting the lead! It can take even more touches for that lead to decide to make a purchasing decision.

In today's marketing landscape, consumers are continually flooded with messaging and promotions that they have to sort through and prioritize in their head. That's why in order to make a memorable impression with them, it is critical that you continually reach out to them with a consistent message across various platforms, creating top-of-mind awareness for when they are ready to make their purchasing decision.

Because we believe so strongly in the effectiveness and necessity of an integrated digital marketing solution, we thoughtfully provide you with easy, milestone-driven, strategically-developed comprehensive digital solutions each month. These "power packages" are centered around relevant themes for the month and will include tactics for multiple different platforms (such as email, Facebook, Microsite, Google, etc) so that your message is visible to consumers in a multitude of ways.

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